Serving in the Caroline Community has been the most rewarding experience of my life. The opportunity to join both new and traditional time honored organizations and participate in events has been invaluable in understanding whats important to the folks in Caroline. I have seen and heard first hand what our residents value and have shared their faith and commitment that together we can make a better Caroline.
Some of my commitments to the community include:
- Sponsor Caroline Relay For Life Committee (American Cancer Society)
- Annual Sponsor Caroline Rotary Senior Citizens Gala
- Member Caroline County Agricultural Fair Committee
- Support for the Caroline Historical Society
- Caroline Social Services Resource Council-Christmas Partners, Foster Families
- Member Caroline Ruritans
- Member American Legion Post 221
- Support of the Caroline Museum and Cultural Center
- Support of the Port Royal Museum of American History
- Support of our Caroline County Public Schools
- Former Deacon, Bowling Green Baptist Church (2009-2011)
- Support for and attendance at churches community-wide

One of the best things about the job of being supervisor is recognizing the folks who work hard for our county.

It was an honor to be the key note speaker in 2011 for the American Legion and local VFW Post’s event to honor our servicemen and women who have given their lives for our country.

On Opening Day, Senator Ryan McDougle and I welcome teams from all over Virginia to the Caroline Little League Ball fields where the State championships were held in 2008. Susan and I hosted a team from the Eastern Shore and were excited to watch them place Third in the state.

Captain (ret) James S. Day Jr. and Colonel Peter Dargle of Ft. A.P. Hill help welcome folks to the annual Memorial Day Celebration on the Courthouse Lawn hosted by the local American Legion and VFW. Its always a privilege to be included in efforts to honor our military. I served in the United States Navy from 1977 to 1983.

I look forward every year to the Annual Awards Dinner and Ceremony for the Bowling Green Fire Department. Congratulations to all the volunteers!

I have been a member of the Caroline Ruritans since I first moved to the county. Here, Kathy Hancock and Bill Eckert sell pork rinds at one of our major fundraisers of the year, and Joey Hancock and I show off our brand new aprons at the The Bowling Green Harvest Festival. My job for the traditional Brunswick Stew sold for 20 plus years at the festival is to stir, stir, stir!

Pictured left, two of my favorite people pose for me on frosty morning at Mt. Hermon Baptist Church Church for Festival on the Mount, one my favorite district events. Pictured here is Pastor Antonio Clinkscales from Mt. Tabor Baptist Church and Reverend Rob Fox, former pastor at Mt. Hermon Baptist Church. They demonstrate the deeply connected history and relationship between both these churches, a stone’s throw from each other on Mattaponi Trail in the Bowling Green District. To the right, In April of 2013, I was honored to help moderate a great celebration of the lives of six outstanding local pastors held at Jerusalem Baptist Church. Pictured here, Reverend Jared Beasley to my left and Reverend Henry During Jr. and Rev Clinkscales on my right.

The job of “official” photographer for Bible School in 2009 and again for the Children’s Christmas Pageant was a labor of love. A special Christmastime event, The Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Bowling Green Baptist Church.

A major Caroline event which really brings out the true spirit of Christmas is the annual Senior Citizens Gala organized by L.J. Moyer and the Caroline Rotary and held at Caroline High School. Western Supervisor, Jeff Black and his girlfriend, Kathy really enjoy attending the Gala which provides a Christmas celebration dance, a meal and gifts to thousands of Caroline seniors.

In 2008, I took a break from helping with logistics and street duty to be a Co-Grand Marshall of the Annual Bowling Green Christmas Parade with the beautiful L.J. Moyer of Century 21 Classic Real Estate in Ladysmith. In the past several years I have served as a parade judge as well as joined the men and women who serve my District so well in the Sparta Volunteer Fire Department, riding in the parade.
The Caroline County Agricultural Fair
The Caroline County Agricultural Fair has been a phenomenal success in a day and age when county fairs have rapidly disappeared in other parts of the country. After high attendance in various temporary locations, the Fair was the recipient of a donation of 40 acres of land by Mrs. Ann Tate. a member of one of the county’s oldest farming families. Located on a gently rolling hill top in between Carmel Church and Ladysmith, the site is one of the most picturesque in Caroline.
Starting with tents and other impermanent shelters, the Fair Board of Directors and Committee who have been together for over a decade, began to raise money for permanent buildings.
Due to their diligence and hard work in addition to the generosity of the community at large. a number of wonderful structures and pavilions have been constructed in the last five years. Some of my support roles for this great event have been selling tickets at the gate and helping to judge The Caroline Idol Contest as well as supporting Susan’s endeavors in the Heritage Area which include The Farm wife’s Kitchen of Yesteryear.
Caroline Relay For Life

It has been my privilege to work with the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life in Caroline. My first job in 2002 was to make the traditional “Pizza Run” at midnight to pick up over a hundred donated pizzas from all over Caroline to feed and keep the walkers going until daylight. Another of my duties was to transport the donated golf carts to and from the Relay site. In 2004, Susan began to host a Children’s Activities Tent with a goal of entertaining the many children who participate from year to year in Relay and the “Crazy Hat Contest” was born. One of the dozens of craft activities became a favorite, to build the most outrageous hat and be willing to dance on the stage wearing the hat for the judges. Over the years hundreds of children have joined in the day long events under the tent, including games, crafts, clowns, dunking tank and a moon bounce. Some children have been participating in the hat contest for nearly a decade. Susan and I have enjoyed sponsoring those activities. The Caroline Chapter of the Relay For Life has been dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those who had been diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers. It has been my honor to photograph those efforts since 2002.

The Divas With Promise is a mentoring program very special to me. The Divas program for young ladies of middle and high school age focuses on bringing to the forefront the talent and abilities of each girl by presenting different opportunities both within and outside the community. The Divas focus on core values and positive self esteem. Here, one of the main “Diva” events showcasing successful business and community committed women who are invited for the day to share their experiences with the girls. The Divas are sponsored by Caroline’s Promise (link to Caroline’s Promise) and Caroline Parks and Recreation.

Senator McDougal and I had a great time visiting Principal Mack and the kids at Bowling Green Elementary for School Lunch Week in 2013.

As a supervisor-elect, at “Santa’s Workshop” in Maxie Braoddus’s utility building raising money for Caroline’s Promise in 2007.

Playing basketball was just the tip of the iceberg at the Caroline’s Promise Fundraiser in April 2008. Lady Magic, insisted I dance and dance I did.

In 2007, I served as Chairman of the schools Technology Committee. Here Jessica Adkins shows me the ins and outs of the computer lab.

I traded in my basketball shorts in 2012 for a “Jailbird” suit to get “locked up” to support the fund raising efforts for the new Bowling Green Elementary Playground. Shown here with Western Caroline Supervisor Jeff Black.

Overall Fundraising efforts by a very pro-active PTA and an additional large donation from the Sunshine Lady foundation in Fredericksburg resulted in a groundbreaking the following year.

My favorite school event, judging the Caroline Elementary School Science Fair. Caroline has some amazing, brilliant and creative students.

In November of 2013, I was asked to do a Bee Class for Farm To School Week at Bowling Green Elementary for Kindergarten through 5th Grade. I was impressed with the math skills of even the younger children as they quickly called out the answers to the problems I had prepared about the number of flowers and bee flights its take to make a pound of honey. The event was a “hands on” class where the kids learned the parts of the beehive and the tools a beekeeper uses in his work to manage the hives.

The Sparta Ruritan Auction held at Salem Baptist Church is the place to be where treasures of all kinds can be found every year conducted by renown auctioneer, Maynard Penney. There was quite a bidding war over locally grown, Red Barn View Honey made from the bees I raise in various parts of Caroline. Money raised from this worthy endeavor benefit the entire community.